Campus Committees
These campus level committees are composed of a variety of campus community members. Campus committees are tasked with shaping policy in a wide variety of important areas including, environmental initiatives, cyber and information security, parking, and housing. Graduate and professional student representatives insure that the unique needs of our population are taken into consideration when new policies are created and old ones are revised. Serving on these committees are a great way to get involved in ensuring that joint governance includes our voice.
For an updated list of campus committees with open positions or to contact individual committee representatives, please view this list. Here is a complete list of Academic Senate Committees and Administrative Campus Committees (the latter is discussed more below). To apply to be a committee representative, or if you have questions, please email the Campus Affairs Vice President, indicating your interest and the committee you are interested in serving on. You may be asked to fill out an application, either online or hard copy.
The Campus Affairs Vice President makes committee appointments for the GA and will be able to provide a list of open positions.
What do committee representatives do?
Being a committee representative is both an honor and a responsibility. As a student representative, you are virtually the sole voice of the graduate student body when decisions are being made. Important policy questions come through these committees – questions ranging from allocations to departments and research projects, to types of funding opportunities, to campus construction projects and issues of student life. Rather than being the passive recipient of these policies, you get to proactively shape them.
When campus policies are adopted and sent out to the general campus community, people can respond. But they are largely set in terms of vision, goals, and perspective. The real work and influence usually happens at the committee level. Almost every major policy, idea, or decision is completed through a committee. Being a part of a committee is a major way to influence your experience on campus, as well as represent and protect the general student welfare.
What does committee representation entail?
Student Representatives are expected to attend their monthly committee meetings. The dates and times of the meetings will be decided by each committee. Representatives are also expected to report back to the Graduate Assembly after each meeting with a brief summary of what occurred during the meeting and any important decisions that were made.
What is the time commitment?
Meetings of the student representatives will happen 2-3 times per semester (almost monthly). These meetings should last around an hour, except for the training session for new representatives (which may be slightly longer). The actual committee meetings are generally 1-2 hours long, held 1-2 times per month. Some ad hoc committees may meet more often. Your committee chair will coordinate meetings of his or her committee.
Administrative Committees
Below is a list of administrative committees (source page). Read the committee descriptions. “S” indicates committees with student members.