Funding Policies and Application

Funding Application

Steps to obtain GA Funding for your Graduate Registered Student Organization (GRSO) with the online application:

Additional information is provided in our 2024-2025 Funding Guide.

Step 1: Eligibility Requirements

  • Graduate student groups must be registered student organizations (RSO) with the LEAD Center.
  • At least one, preferably two, group officers must complete the CalLink Finance Agent Training. Please note that this quiz is separate and distinct from the Funding Guide Quiz.
  • Graduate student group membership must include a member from a department represented by at least one delegate.

Step 2: Funding application and evaluation by GA

  • To apply for funding, the GA Agent in your organization must complete the online funding application by the deadline. Contingency applications are collected monthly during the academic year and once in summer.
  • Application forms for all GA-sponsored funding (GMER, Grants, Publications, and Contingency) can be found on the GA Funding Page on CalLink in the Forms section. You must sign into CalLink first to see this section.
  • Funding applications must be completed by members of your organization who have passed the CalLink Finance Agent Training. Please contact the LEAD Center for more information.
  • Part of the application will require each funding applicant to take the GA Funding Guide quiz to confirm they have read the 2024-2025 Funding Guide and have familiarized themselves with the funding policies.
  • The Funding Committee will review all funding applications and submit their recommendations to the GA Delegates. The funding awards will be posted as a report on the Graduate Assembly website by the dates listed in the Funding Application.

Once you have submitted the application, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive this email, please immediately contact the funding chair ( 

Step 3: Spending approved funds

  • If your graduate student group receives funding, you may purchase approved items using cash, check or credit card.
  • If you need to make a change to your approved budget (of more than $10 per line item) you must email the funding chair ( with a subject line “Budget Change Request” followed by your RSO’s name and funding round. If you need to change the date of your event and the event still occurs during the approved funding round, no notification is required.

Step 4: Reimbursements

  • All Graduate Assembly funding is processed through a campus-wide system called CalLink. When groups register with the LEAD Center, a CalLink profile will be automatically created. Log in to CalLink to associate your CalNet ID with your graduate student group’s page. Once you are a member of a graduate student group on CalLink, you may submit a CalLink request for reimbursement.
  • After you submit your request for reimbursement, a member of your group with stage 2 access will need to move your request to stage 2. Members of the graduate student group who take the CalLink Finance Agent Training will have stage 2 access.

Your graduate student group’s remaining funding balance is available on CalLink under account balance.

Changing Your Approved Budget

The Funding Allocation Report approvals are based on the information provided in your original funding application. Therefore, the money allocated to your group must be spent on items outlined in your original budget. If your group makes changes that deviate from your funding application, you are changing your approved budget. Below are types of budget change requests:

  • Change in the items purchased for your event, or a change in the amount spent on items.
  • Change in the date of the event, if and only if it would fall outside the approved funding timeline.
  • Change in the event content (requiring different expenses than what was listed on application).

To Change the Budget of an Event: You must request approval from the Funding Chair before purchasing items that are not approved from your original funding application. The GABO/LEAD center will not reimburse your group’s expenses for any budget items changed that are not approved by the Funding Chair.

  1. Email the Funding Chair ( In the subject line, write your Group Name and Round of Funding followed by “Budget Change Request.” Example: “Graduate Student Geographers Fall 2015 Round Budget Change Request.”
  2. The Funding Chair will review your request and respond via email within 24 hours regarding the decision. You must receive approval before spending funds.
  3. When filing your reimbursement, turn in the Funding Chair approval letter with your receipts.

Appealing a Funding Decision

The funding appeals process is governed by the GA By-Laws (section 6.7):

Decisions of the Funding Committee to deny or limit funding to a particular Graduate Student Group may be appealed to a Funding Appeal Committee. This committee shall be convened by the Internal Vice President. The membership will consist of the Internal Vice President, the Rules Officer, the Vice President of Finance, and the Funding Officer (or one member of the Funding Committee).

Appeals must be e-mailed to the Funding Officer and Internal Vice President no more than seven (7) calendar days after notification of the Funding Committee’s decision. Appeals must contain the specific decision being appealed and the reasons for the appeal. Appellants shall be given the opportunity to present their case in person to the Funding Appeals Committee before a decision on an appeal is made, provided the appeal is timely.

The seven calendar days will start on the notification date listed in the funding application. Items listed below in the “What CANNOT Be Appealed” section are not eligible for the appeal process.

What CANNOT Be Appealed?

  • Applications or receipts submitted after the advertised deadline dates
  • Requests that do not comply with university or the GA Business Office policies
  • Expenses that are not approved in the funding application (see Funding Guide section 2.e.i for expenses that are never approved).
  • Events/projects that are not within the round timelines
  • Budget Change requests that are not approved by the Funding Officer
  • Contents of the Funding Allocation Report after 7 calendar days have passed from the notification date.
  • Applications denied because of off-campus event locations.

The Funding Appeal Committee will meet with the applicant to discuss the merits of your case. After the meeting, the Funding Appeal Committee will make a final decision on your funding allocation. Any changes following the Funding Appeal Committee meeting will be reflected in the recommendations to the delegate body.  The delegates vote at their monthly meetings on the final allocation for funding. Once the delegate’s vote, the decision is final.

You will be notified via e-mail regarding the Funding Appeal Committee’s decision.

You may not be reimbursed for any unallocated funds until you have been formally notified of the Funding Appeal Committee’s final decision.