Funding FAQs

How can our group apply for graduate assembly funding?

Visit the GA Funding page for details about what funding is available to your graduate student group.

What are the requirements for funding?

  • Graduate student organizations must register as an RSO with the OASIS Center (formerly LEAD Center)
  • Review the 2023-2024 Funding Guide and complete the CalLink Finance Agent Training.
  • Student groups applying for funding must be represented in the Delegate Assembly by either (a) having a GA Delegate as a member, or (b) having at least one group member whose academic unit has at least one GA Delegate. To verify Delegate representation or to apply to be a GA Delegate, visit the GA website.
  • Review the Graduate Student Group Funding Application and the instructions in this Guide before submitting your application. For additional questions visit the GA website.

Where does the Graduate Assembly get the funding they give student to groups?

  • The money comes from a portion of Graduate Student Fees.

Who evaluates applications for graduate student organization funding?

  • The Funding Committee reviews submitted applications and makes recommendations to the Delegate Assembly. The FC consists of a funding chair (elected by the delegate body) and 6-10 GA Delegates. Each member represents a separate academic department and reviews your application based on the criteria explained in the Funding Guide. The FC recommends the amount of the funding to be awarded, including any restrictions. The Graduate Assembly delegates vote to approve or amend the recommendations.

If our group is approved funding, how do we receive the money?

  • Student group funding is awarded via a Reimbursement Process, whereby you spend the funds out-of-pocket, and then you are reimbursed once original itemized receipts are submitted. You must check the funding report before expecting to be reimbursed for any items. Items not approved in the funding report, will NOT be reimbursed unless approved by the Funding Chair.

What happens if I do not have the money to purchase items up-front?

  • You can request a Purchase Order (P.O.) from the Business Office for your project or event. You must also work with a vendor that is willing to accept an ASUC Purchase Order as payment which will be paid after the service has been completed.  Some vendors may be able to generate an Invoice, to receive payment after the service has been completed.

How do I pay for honoraria and what is required to submit a service agreement?

Can the GA pay an invoice?

  • Yes. Although Invoices are primarily used in conjunction with a Purchase Order, the GA can pay the balance due (or partial balance depending on your group’s approved award) to a vendor from a specific Invoice number. The payment of the Invoice number will be in the form of a check and is mailed directly to the vendor’s address provided on the Invoice. If the vendor cannot produce an invoice or will not accept payment after the service has been completed, a Purchase Order is recommended to initiate the service.

Why does the GA need original, itemized receipts for reimbursement?

  • The GA Business Office must turn original receipts over to the accounting department for reimbursement to be processed. These receipts verify that you have paid for the items for which you are being reimbursed. You will also need to provide the GA one copy of your itemized receipts when you submit the CalLink Request Form (student groups) or the Expenditure Reimbursement Form, ERF (travel).

How can we be certain our receipts are sufficient?

  • Bring receipts to the Graduate Assembly Business Office for review prior to submission. This will significantly decrease the chance of receipts being denied or sent back.

Our group purchased items that were not on our application. Is this a problem?

  • If your group changes your original budget, YOU MUST contact the Funding Officer to change your request. Please view the policies for GA funding.

What happens if we do not spend the funding by the specified deadline?

  • The GA does not hold accounts for groups, but allocates money to be used in the round that it is awarded. Once funds are allocated, the student organization is responsible for spending the allotted funds. Any funds approved in your application which are not used within the respective round event timeline will not be rolled over for future rounds.

What happens if we purchase items that were not requested on our original budget?

  • Items not listed on your budget will not be reimbursable unless you request prior approval for those items from the Funding Officer.

What other funding opportunities for graduate student groups exist besides the Graduate Assembly?