Elected Officers & Representatives
Get to know the folks helping to run the Graduate Assembly during the 2023-2024 academic year! Read more about these roles and positions below.
Executive Board
Appointed Officers
Workgroup Chairs
Graduate Council Representatives
Elected Officers and Representatives
Graduate Assembly elections are held every year in the spring semester. GA Officers are elected by the Delegate Assembly according to the GA Bylaws. All Graduate and Professional Students are eligible to run for office regardless of prior GA involvement. Interested candidates must be nominated by a current GA Delegate.
The GA President is the official representative of the GA to the ASUC and larger campus community. They are responsible for regularly meeting with campus administrators, developing the GA Advocacy Agenda, serving as the chair of the GA Executive Board, and making appointments to new campus task forces, working groups, and hiring committees.
Examples of the administrators and committees that the GA President works closely with: Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of the Student Affairs Division, Vice Chancellor of Equity & Inclusion, Vice Chancellor for Administration, Executive Director of the Student Union, Dean of Students, ASUC President, Dean of the Graduate Division, Director of Graduate Student Life, Basic Needs Center Director, Leadership of the Academic Senate, Student Union Board of Directors, Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Student Services and Fees (CACSSF)
The GA President oversees the following internal GA committees and staff: GA Executive Board, Graduate Student Peer Mentor Awards, Communications Director
Contact the current GA President at president-ga@berkeley.edu if you would like to learn more about this role.
Internal Vice President
The GA Internal Vice President (IVP) is the chair of the meetings of the Delegate Assembly and is responsible for recruitment of new delegates and any issues pertaining to physical space, resources, and communications.
Examples of the administrators and committees that the GA IVP works closely with: Director of Graduate Student Life, Student Union Board of Directors
The GA IVP oversees the following internal GA committees and staff: Graduate Social Club Coordinator, Technology Director, Funding Appeals Board
Contact the current GA IVP at internal-ga@berkeley.edu if you would like to learn more about this role.
Campus Affairs Vice President
The GA Campus Affairs Vice President (CAVP) monitors campus policies, appoints graduate students to campus committees, oversees the Faculty Mentor Awards, and advocates on behalf of graduate students to campus administrators.
Examples of the administrators and committees that the GA CAVP works closely with: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, Dean of Students, Dean of the Graduate Division, Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Student Services and Fees (CACSSF), Graduate Council and Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation (CAPRA), Academic Senate
The GA CAVP oversees the following internal GA committees and staff: GA Campus Affairs Committee, Faculty Mentorship Awards Committee, Basic Needs Security Officer, Wellness Officer
Contact the current GA CAVP at cavp-ga@berkeley.edu if you would like to learn more about this role.
Vice President of Equity & Inclusion
The GA Vice President of Equity & Inclusion (VPE&I) oversees and staffs the GA Projects and advocates on behalf of graduate students with a goal of closing opportunity gaps for our most marginalized groups.
Examples of the administrators and committees that the GA VPE&I works closely with: Vice Chancellor of Equity & Inclusion, Director of the Office of Graduate Diversity, Basic Needs Center Director, Student Advocate’s Office
The GA VPE&I oversees the following internal GA committees and staff: GA Equity and Inclusion Committee, Graduate Womxn’s Project Director, Disabled Students Advocacy Project Director, Graduate Minority Student Project Director, Sexual Orientation and Gender Advocacy Project Director, International and Undocumented Students Project Director, Graduate Student Parent Advocacy Project Director, Womxn of Color Initiative Project Director
Contact the current GA VPE&I at equity-inclusion@berkeley.edu if you would like to learn more about this role.
External Affairs Vice President
The GA External Affairs Vice President (EAVP) monitors policies of the Regents and the President of the UC, as well as legislation of local, state, and federal governments affecting graduate and professional students and advocates on behalf of the GA in meetings with the Regents, coalitions of student associations, and government officials.
Examples of the administrators and committees that the GA EAVP works closely with: UC Graduate and Professional Council (UCGPC) as a voting board member, Chancellor’s Independent Advisory Board on Police Accountability and Community Safety (IAB)
The GA EAVP oversees the following internal GA committees and staff: GA External Affairs Committee
Contact the current GA EAVP at eavp-ga@berkeley.edu if you would like to learn more about this role.
Vice President of Finance
The GA Vice President of Finance (VPoF) monitors GA spending and ensures financial stability, provides oversight on campus fees, and is responsible for requesting and developing additional sources of funding for the GA.
Examples of the administrators and committees that the GA VPoF works closely with: Vice Chancellor for Finance, ASUC Student Union Business and Finance Team, University Partnership Program (UPP), Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Student Services and Fees (CACSSF), Student Fee Referenda Committee (SFRC)
The GA VPoF oversees the following internal GA committees and staff: GA Finance Committee, GA Project Bank
Contact the current GA VPoF at budget-ga@berkeley.edu if you would like to learn more about this role.
Rules Officer
The GA Rules Officer oversees and makes recommendations regarding the status and upkeep of the GA Charter, Bylaws, Standing Policy Guide, and Memoranda of Understanding between the GA and other entities.
Examples of the administrators and committees that the GA Rules Officer works closely with: ASUC Elections Council (as an ex-officio voting member)
The GA Rules Officer oversees the following internal GA committees and staff: GA Rules Committee
Contact the current GA Rules Officer at rules-ga@berkeley.edu if you would like to learn more about this role.
Funding Officer
The GA Funding Officer prepares a report of Funding Committee recommendations for each round of funding allocation and presents it to the Delegate Assembly. The Funding Officer is also responsible for upkeep of the GA Funding Guide.
Examples of the administrators and committees that the GA Funding works closely with: LEAD Center (on matters related to Graduate Registered Student Organizations)
The GA Funding Officer oversees the following internal GA committees and staff: GA Funding Committee
Contact the current GA Funding Officer at funding-ga@berkeley.edu if you would like to learn more about this role.
Labor Liaison
The role of the Labor Liaison is to keep the Delegates and the Executive Board apprised of the activities of campus and systemwide labor unions, particularly those that represent graduate student workers: UAW 2865 and SRU-UAW. The LL works closely with campus organizers and union leaders to find opportunities for collaboration between the GA and campus unions on issues that affect the working conditions of Berkeley graduate students.
Contact the current GA Labor Liaison at labor-liaison-ga@berkeley.edu if you would like to learn more about this role.
Graduate Council Representatives
The GA elects three Graduate Council Representatives and one Alternate. They are responsible for informing the Graduate Council of the Academic Senate of positions taken by the Graduate Assembly on appropriate issues.
Contact the current Grad Council Student Representatives if you would like to learn more about this role.